
Maias Alyamani

Violinist Damaskus, Syrien 5 Follower

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Solo Instrument & Orchestra 05:06 vor 13 Jahre(n)13j
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Solo Instrument & Orchestra 03:38 vor 13 Jahre(n)13j
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MAias Alyamani, violinist and composer, began his professional musical career as a solo violinist in 2000. His performances include the traditional classical repertoire and other musical genres, including his personal compositions.   MAias has a master degree from Vienna University of Music, majoring in violin performance with special focus on Composition.During his studies he won the Competition of  Vienna University of  Music, and participated in the international Paganini Competition in Italy.  He was the only Arab ever to participate in these competitions.

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About Maias Alyamani

Klassik Weltmusik